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February Product Updates: Mono Widget 2.0, CAC Lookup v3 + New DirectPay connections, and more

AUTHOR: Mono product team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Pay with account+otp , Widget v2

Product Highlights

The Mono widget 2.0 is live

We recently launched the Mono widget 2.0 to enable African businesses with a faster and more seamless experience for their users when they share their financial data or make payments. The new features we have included are:

  • Transparent and clearer consent management for end-users

  • Faster account linking and payment experience

  • Widget testing in sandbox for various flows, without sandbox login details

  • Improved institution search and new institution request

To learn more about how the new widget works and how to make the switch to the new version, you can read our announcement article here.

We added new DirectPay connections

With the launch of the new Mono widget, we have also included three new DirectPay connections:

  • Alat by Wema (PWA): Using just their account number, users now can make payments directly from their Alat by Wema bank account to merchants via Mono.

  • Pocket by Piggyvest (PWA): Users can now use their account tag to securely make payments from their Pocket accounts to your business, using Mono.

  • Paga (RFP): An RFP (Request-For-Payment) is a new payment method introduced on the Mono widget v2. This allows businesses to initiate a payment request so the user can authorize the payment from within their Paga app, using just their name and phone number.


  • What payment type does this support? These new DirectPay payment methods only supports one-time payments

  • Does PWA or RFP link my account to the business during this process? No, they do not. You simply authorise the payment using the required credentials

  • Can I be debited multiple times using this method?

    • For PWA: No, the OTP is only valid for a single transaction and expires after 15 minutes.

    • For RFP: The payment request expires after 30 mins

  • How do I authorize my payment?

    • Alat by Wema: OTPs are sent to the phone number attached to the Wema account number

    • Pocket: You will get an OTP in your Pocket app

    • Paga: A request notification is sent to your activity tab

CAC lookup v3 is now live

The Mono CAC Lookup API enables businesses and developers in Nigeria to retrieve and verify comprehensive information about registered businesses directly from the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), using their business name or RC number.

We have now upgraded the CAC Lookup to allow you to get more detailed corporate entity details such as the company’s historical change of name, previous addresses, company secretary, and directors.

How does it work?

  1. You pass the company's RC number or business name to the endpoints

  2. Mono pulls the data from CAC and returns the required information


  • Lookup company - N20

  • Lookup company shareholders- N100

  • Lookup company directors- N100

  • Lookup company secretary- N50

  • Lookup company change of name- N10

  • Lookup company previous address- N10


  • How can I upgrade to the CAC Lookup v3? If you're currently using the version 2 or 1 of the Mono CAC Lookup, please note that these versions are now backwards compatible and you will need to upgrade to CAC Lookup 3.0 by simply changing the base URL from to for only the Business search and get Shareholder details endpoints. All other endpoints are new and you will not require an upgrade for them.

  • Do I need a new activation for this upgrade? No, you can call the new endpoints with your existing access.

Product Improvements

Financial institutions

  1. Mpesa authentication outage: This issue has been fixed and your users can now link their Mpesa accounts via the Mono Connect widget to securely share their financial data with your business.

  2. GTB internet banking authentication outage: This has also been resolved and your users can link their GTB internet banking accounts to securely share their financial data with your business.

Mono API

  1. Updated our CAC Lookup API to now include more information like Previous AddressChange of NameLookup a Secretary, and Lookup a Director. The Lookup a business and Shareholder details endpoints have also been upgraded to version V3 which returns more robust CAC details.

  2. Deprecated our Partners API which previously facilitated the creation of custom or white-labeled solutions using our Mono Connect and DirectPay APIs.

  3. Introduced a 'customer object' field: This feature enhances identification capabilities and is required to be passed with each connection request on the new widget. Details such as user's name and email should be passed in the customer object field. This applies to both API and SDK integrations.

  4. Updated the endpoint URL for our Account number Lookup. It was changed from /V3/LOOKUP/ACCOUNT_NUMBER to the new /V3/LOOKUP/ACCOUNT-NUMBER.

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